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Photo of a woman working at a laptop in a cafe

Successful brands know that decision making is critical and ongoing.

Whether we know it or not, all of us make decisions based on the way we feel about the environment around us. When we order a meal we make that decision based on taste, beauty, nutrition or just plain hunger. When we begin to read something, we’re only satisfied to complete it if we’re reeled into the content or story. Over time these responses are what yield brand loyalty. The goal is to make sure YOUR brand becomes a breeding ground for loyalty. Beauty is only one piece of the puzzle. Extracting emotion and connection to your VISION is what makes people hang on the ride, eat the meal, invest in the art, or finish the novel.


A successful brand makes its customers feel valued.

If your clients are having to work hard at staying engaged in your sales process, you will not build brand loyalty. A potential client wants to be hooked in the first sixty seconds.. If they feel like they are compromising in any area there are at least 10 other organizations who will promise to meet their needs. What if you could create a brand that values your target audience? A way of communicating that brings clarity at each interaction with your brand.

YOUR vision’s masterpiece.

If engaging with you and your brand makes neurons fire and serotonin levels lift then people want what you’re offering! YOU are definitely not the only one offering it, but YOURS is the one people connect with, thus creating uncompromising brand loyalty.


A successful brand knows that the process is just as important as the outcome.

If a person relates to and enjoys the experience of your brand, they will NEED to try your product or service because they like you. When a friend needs what you provide, he or she will share their experience with a feeling of pride due to the great interaction they’ve had. If your solution IS perfect for them, all the better! But you will rest assured that more than a great product has been provided. You presented a solution and you developed a relationship. Think about it, would you rather refer someone to a good friend or a faceless name?

How then do we honor the time and energy they spend engaging with our brand? Aesthetics and Clear Communication.

Aesthetics says, “You matter. This interaction is likely to elicit an emotional or intellectual experience that is valuable to you.”Clear Communication says, “Your time is valuable. I won’t confuse you. I am offering you a solution that will make life easier.”

Here’s an example of how this idea plays out.

Scenario One: I walk into Cafe A. Sign on the door is a big, hard to read acronym. Makes me feel confused.

Inside is a random mix of decorative styles. Makes me feel agitated.

Professional greets my family and I. Professional acts…unprofessional. Makes me feel uncomfortable.

Product is served. Ta-da! It’s amazing. Love it. I’d totally come back for this. But, unfortunately, I won’t recommend to others.

Had I just stopped in to grab a menu, or made my decision to come in based on the signage would I come back? Nope. The atmosphere just didn’t do it for me. I felt…almost…disrespected and disappointed.

Scenario Two. I walk into Cafe B[Insert choir of angels here]

It’s lovely inside. Decor is absolutely in sync with type of business residing here. This compels me to consider staying all day.

I walk up to the counter. Server is delightful, obviously happy to work here. I gladly hand over my card to pay for a product because at this point it could be a $3 glass of ice water. (But let’s be honest, it’s coffee.)

And when I bring that hand-thrown, pottery mug to my lips, mmm. It’s as delicious as I would have expected. I like it here. I will tell my friends. We will be regulars.


One final thought

Successful brands do not only offer spectacular products, but an emotional feeling that continues to entice their client after they walk out the door. By offering masterpiece branding and product marketing your client receives aesthetics and clear communication that gives your brand it’s emotional roots. Therefore, your client will be compelled to recommend what you’re offering with a feeling of pride that will keep them, and their friends, coming back. Use branding to inspire a relationship, not just sell a product, and you will find the success you are working for.


Filed Under: Blog, Branding Tagged With: Branding, Marketing